Like all of us, you have probably often taken good resolutions at the beginning of the year. Like for many of us, these good resolutions have ended up being diluted in the ocean of your daily tasks. We often think that nothing is ever lost and that tomorrow is a new day. We sometimes experience small changes because what is easy to do is often easy not to do. At the end of the year, we can see that our situation has deteriorated slightly or improved slightly, unless nothing has changed at all. It's our "default future".
My job is to ask the right questions to create insights so that together we can find your "exponential future". Contrary to information-based learning, insight-based learning enables transformation. It is a game-changer. You recognize an insight easily because it's a space of pure potential and of spaciousness, a brisk of fresh air and this happens when you are connected to your heart. Together, we plan for the future in 10 years. You no longer try to maintain what has been achieved so far. Your perspective is broadened. You are aware of your talents, often still in the raw state, and you can now decide in full awareness to transform these raw nuggets into real jewels. The resulting sense of pride has nothing to do with the sense of satisfaction you once felt. You feel slightly euphoric, and this powerful emotional state becomes a stronger motor than your fears. From there, you may feel defeated every now and then but you will never feel discourage any more. This very first step, though essential, is only the beginning of the journey. It allows you to point to the direction and fill up on energy.
We can then move forward together step by step, and I would be honored to guide you in your progress so that your ambitions become reality.
My speciality is business development together with personal growth, since the two go hand in hand.
These are the different ways we can work together depending on your needs:
- 1 year of availability and follow-up to invest in your transformation, be coherent and persistent. Destination: living your dreams!
Since "365 days are too short to be inspired and too long to remain focused" (as Rich Litvin said" I offer you a totally personalized and specially designed accompaniment for projects that are close to your heart. This gives you the space to move from impulse to action, from project to product. First of all, I will guide you to dream BIG, with a horizon of 10 years to make you move and act with full committment. 10 years is so far away that nothing seems impossible!
In a second phase, we set ourselves reasonable mid-term objectives. We have regular interactions, and every 2 months we take stock of the situation and readjust the course. 2 months is less than 2% of the time over a decade, a drop of water in the sea! So our mistakes do not jeopardize our project at all. They don't paralyze ourselves anymore. You realise you are nearer to your goal than you ever thought and are so committed that you act on a daily basis and move forwards step by step to set things into motion. If we mostly tend to overestimate what we can do during a day we mostly underestimate what we can do over a year.
- 3 months of regular exchanges. Destination: You move away from the habits that hold you back and turn walls into bridges!"
You decide to believe in yourself and invest in your future. You opt for an "exponential future". You decide to integrate the principle of coherence, acquire another level of energy and experience a different quality of life. You feel grounded and are connected with your intuition and creativity. Your decisions flow from the source. We set a clear course and define meaningful action plans so that you are committed to improve your situation substantially.
- 1 full day to take stock of your situation and clarify your ambitions. Destination: You moves in the direction of your dreams
We set a clear course and define meaningful action plans so that you are committed to improve your situation substantially. Some clients use this full day to take stock of their global situation (from their health to their wealth, from their home to their office, from their personal growth to their spiritual growth) and decide which field they want to focus on.
- 90-minute deep dive to test the above-mentioned information and make it transformation. Destination: You stop researching and start to explore
We'll discuss whatever topic you believe is holding you back in order to get you unstuck. Indeed there are only 3 ways we can fail: we don't start, we stop, we run out of time. This session enables us to see how working together would look like.